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Download Firewall Android, Droidwall

Droidwall berfungsi untuk mencegah akses internet oleh suatu aplikasi. Kalian tahu kan, hampir setiap aplikasi membutuhkan akses internet, sehingga dengan mengaktifkan firewall dengan Droidwall ini kalian akan lebih hemat menggunakan data internet. Untuk menginstalnya diperlukan akses root dan kernel yangmendukung firewall.
"Android root" in the Internet.

Front-end application for the powerful iptables Linux firewall.
Allows you to restrict which apps can access the network.
This is the perfect solution if you don't have an unlimited data plan, or just wants to see your battery lasting longer.

For advanced users, it also allows you to manually define custom iptables rules.
Please remember to disable the firewall before uninstalling, otherwise you will need to reboot your device to turn it off.

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